Inspired and Committed Leadership

Together, at the Alumni Think Tank, we build bridges towards a future where innovation and responsibility meet to shape a better world.

How the Think Tank works

In a constantly evolving world, where economic, social, and environmental issues intersect and become increasingly complex, the need for enlightened and committed leadership becomes crucial. The ISCAE Alumni Think Tank positions itself as a space for reflection and action, bringing together the brightest minds in our network to envision and build innovative and sustainable solutions.

Why a Think Tank ?

To transform collective wisdom into tangible actions and strengthen our community’s engagement.


To become the beacon of innovation and strategic thinking, positively influencing our societies and economies.


Excellence et Innovation : Highlight exceptional contributions.
Collaboration :
Stimulate collective intelligence through cooperation.
Societal Impact :
Offer practical and innovative solutions for positive change. 


Deciphering Issues: Identify crucial challenges and global opportunities.
Catalyzing Exchanges :
Organize enriching forums, workshops, and debates.
Proposing Solutions :
Develop practical recommendations for decision-makers. 

Strategic Axes

Responsible Innovation : Promote environmntal and social sustainability.
Sustainable Development :
Promote creative and ethical approaches.
Digital Transformation :
Harness technologies to transform industries.
Transformative and Committed Leadership :
Develop visionary and ethical leaders who are engaged in their communities. 

The ISCAE Alumni think tank organizes conferences, reflection workshops, oversees research, and unites the efforts of its members to address various issues. 

On the platform, you will find different spaces that allow you to follow the think tank's activities: 

Latest publications : In this section, you will find all the research papers published by the think tank. Click here to go to the latest publications page. 

Forum : Like a Roman agora, where debates on issues affecting the city resonate, ISCAE members gather in the forum to discuss topics proposed by the think tank.

The think tank discussion forum is an exclusive feature that allows you to discuss all the topics debated by the think tank. The feature uses gamification algorithms to calculate response scores, highlight the most relevant answers, and more. Click here to access the forum.